Friday, April 26, 2013
Don't Get Taken to the Cleaners
Chances are you're servicing your suit too often
• Do it infrequently. Dry cleaning can be brutal on suiting fabric. A suit is an investment; you want to preserve its integrity.
• If it's looking creased and wrinkled, take it in to have it steam-pressed. This is especially good for cotton suits, which wrinkle more easily.
• And if you're in a bind—or just in some funny hotel in a foreign city—hang it up in the bathroom, blast a hot shower, and close the door for ten minutes. It'll look—almost—like new.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
More Than Ever, It's About Fit
That's our mantra here at Matthewaperry. It's what we preach every issue. Doesn't matter what kind of suit you're investing in, whether it's $200 or $2,000, flannel or seersucker, two-button or three. We've seen plenty of guys who've bought the right suit and let it hang off them like an NBA rookie on draft night. And we've seen men in cheap but well-tailored suits who look like a million bucks. The thing's got to fit right, or else there's no point in wearing it. Question is, what's the right fit, and how do you get it?
A. Take It from the Top
A good suit should hug your shoulders, not slouch off them. Most guys think they're a size larger than they are—say, a 42 regular instead of a 40. When buying a suit, go ahead and try sizing down. When you pull on the jacket, there should be a firmness to it. You should snap to attention and stand taller. If it doesn't fit right in the shoulders, don't buy it.
B. Lose the Flab
Think about the width of the sleeves. This is an obsession of ours at GQ. For pretty much every photo shoot, we have a tailor slim down the sleeves, trimming them of excess fabric. It cuts a mean figure.
C. Show Some Cuff
Your suit sleeves should end just above the hinges of your wrists, so a quarter to half inch of shirt cuff shows. It's like the frame on a painting—the elegant finishing touch.
D. Taper, Taper, Taper
Your jacket should contour to your body. Have a tailor nip it at the sides. This will accentuate your shoulders—whether you've got strong ones or not.
E. Break It Down
We like flat-front pants, cut slim, with very little break at the ankle. This produces a long, clean look. Your pants should just clip the tops of your shoes, not bunch up over them.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Poor Shirt and Tie Combos
Everyone assumes celebrities always look good whenever they wear a
suit and tie. Why wouldn’t they? They have stylists ensuring they look
good all the time. In reality, that’s not always the case. At times,
celebrities will make the same style mistakes that other men make, even
when dressing up for a big event. We wanted to highlight a few of these
instance and show that some suit, shirt and tie styles just don’t work
(even on celebrities).
Now at The Sharp Suit, we don’t believe any style decision is wrong, as long as it fit a man’s personal style. But there are certain menswear guidelines that can ensure outfits look sharp. These include being aware of the sizes of stripes and not layering too many crazy patterns in an outfit. Sometimes men (even celebrities) ignore or forgot these style guidelines, which is perfectly within their right to do. Just be aware: shirking the guidelines may result in disjointed looks, a few of which we will explore in this post.
Forgetting About Fit
You’ve heard it before – fit is the most important thing to consider when picking out a suit (or any clothes, for that matter). But some men still don’t realize that ill-fitting clothes can wreck an otherwise stylish outfit. Shirts need to be the proper length, and jackets should be fitted appropriately through the shoulders and chest. Pants are also a common problem area for men. It may be tempting to sag your pants or buy them a little longer in the leg, but all that does is make you seem shorter, look sloppy, and creates an outfit that appears out of proportion. Ensure your clothes fit properly. If they do, people will be admiring your style instead of being distracted by your sloppy look.
Misguided Matching
It may be tempting to match a shirt and tie that are similarly colored, but the results can be bland. Monotone looks can be a strong style, but are often done best using slightly different shades of a similar color (think navy with a baby blue). Celebrities have fallen into this trap, sometimes with terrifying results. The worst instances occur when an identically-patterned shirt and tie are combined. It’s hard to tell which part is the shirt and which is the tie, and people will be too distracted to notice any other element of the outfit. Which brings us to our next point…
Keep It Under Control
Simply put: don’t combine too many crazy patterns in an outfit. Don’t layer a striped suit on a striped shirt with a paisley tie. There result will be way too much activity in your outfit, and it will distract everyone with whom you interact. No one will remember who you were; they’ll simply remember the insane color or pattern mixture you wore. A couple of patterns are fine, but don’t repeat any pattern more than twice. And avoid layering the same pattern on multiple pieces of clothing. Stripes on a suit paired with a similarly striped shirt will create visual confusion and detract from your style.
Again, these guidelines are not meant to be followed 100%. If you can ignore one of them and it works with your personal style, more power to you! But remember, the guidelines help serve as building blocks for stylish outfits. Even celebrities that ignore the guidelines can end up wearing some pretty distracting outfits.
Now at The Sharp Suit, we don’t believe any style decision is wrong, as long as it fit a man’s personal style. But there are certain menswear guidelines that can ensure outfits look sharp. These include being aware of the sizes of stripes and not layering too many crazy patterns in an outfit. Sometimes men (even celebrities) ignore or forgot these style guidelines, which is perfectly within their right to do. Just be aware: shirking the guidelines may result in disjointed looks, a few of which we will explore in this post.
Forgetting About Fit
You’ve heard it before – fit is the most important thing to consider when picking out a suit (or any clothes, for that matter). But some men still don’t realize that ill-fitting clothes can wreck an otherwise stylish outfit. Shirts need to be the proper length, and jackets should be fitted appropriately through the shoulders and chest. Pants are also a common problem area for men. It may be tempting to sag your pants or buy them a little longer in the leg, but all that does is make you seem shorter, look sloppy, and creates an outfit that appears out of proportion. Ensure your clothes fit properly. If they do, people will be admiring your style instead of being distracted by your sloppy look.
Glieb on the red carpet. The jacket looks good, but his jeans are too
long and the rise is too low. The jeans make him appear shorter than he
actually is.
(Courtesy of Ace Show Biz)
(Courtesy of Ace Show Biz)
It may be tempting to match a shirt and tie that are similarly colored, but the results can be bland. Monotone looks can be a strong style, but are often done best using slightly different shades of a similar color (think navy with a baby blue). Celebrities have fallen into this trap, sometimes with terrifying results. The worst instances occur when an identically-patterned shirt and tie are combined. It’s hard to tell which part is the shirt and which is the tie, and people will be too distracted to notice any other element of the outfit. Which brings us to our next point…
Don’t wear this outfit Daniel Radcliffe once wore – can you separate the shirt from the tie in this picture?
(Courtesy of Manolo for the Men)
(Courtesy of Manolo for the Men)
Simply put: don’t combine too many crazy patterns in an outfit. Don’t layer a striped suit on a striped shirt with a paisley tie. There result will be way too much activity in your outfit, and it will distract everyone with whom you interact. No one will remember who you were; they’ll simply remember the insane color or pattern mixture you wore. A couple of patterns are fine, but don’t repeat any pattern more than twice. And avoid layering the same pattern on multiple pieces of clothing. Stripes on a suit paired with a similarly striped shirt will create visual confusion and detract from your style.
Again, these guidelines are not meant to be followed 100%. If you can ignore one of them and it works with your personal style, more power to you! But remember, the guidelines help serve as building blocks for stylish outfits. Even celebrities that ignore the guidelines can end up wearing some pretty distracting outfits.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Style Series Part 1: Knowing Yourself
You are a collection of great things both inside
and out; however, what the world sees first is the external. Therefore,
it’s important to curate the image you project. We say curate because
it’s never about masking who you are, but rather about accentuating who you are via your style of dress, your grooming practices, as well as your demeanor.
How you dress is the first and most immediate way
that the world evaluates you – think of your custom suits as a gateway to
tell your story. Think of style as self-expression, as a positive energy
that flows from inside, out. In order to have great style you must
first assess your positive attributes and then present them to the world
in visual form. Moreover, in order to tell your story you must know
your story.
So let’s start with the things that most people
cannot immediately see when they look at you and then expand outward
from there. For this, we have a simple exercise to help you along the
A quick, 5-minute exercise can help organize your sense of style
1. Take a few moments to think
about some of your strengths. As you do this exercise, it is important
to sell yourself – don’t be shy, no one’s around but us. Feel free to be
broad at this point. Writing it all down is a good start. Here are some
examples we’ve come up with: creative, bold, approachable and
2. Now that you’ve gotten
your list: write one quick sentence defining what these abstract
concepts mean to you. View this section as your own personal manifesto
of sorts.
3. Now that we’ve asked the important question of what you want, we can begin to focus on expressing these attributes.
Transforming these internal
qualities externally is about finding them actualized outside of
yourself. Oftentimes, it helps to see things visually. This certainly
can be done through looking at magazines, images online or photo blogs
and saving the looks that you think embody the attributes from above.
However, inspiration can be found anywhere and does not have to only
come from someone else’s idea of what is fashionable. Also consider
looks from your favorite movie or actor, or even a favorite period of
time, or a particular region in the world you identify with. At the end
of the day, any visual outlet is really grounds for finding looks and
themes that resonate with you. Find these images and group them
according to the strengths you’ve listed above.
A collection of images from our own inspiration board
Now that you have gathered and grouped your images
the next step is to study them. Try to understand what exactly it is
about these looks that inspire you. How does that tie make the outfit
look bold or what makes that color combination seem creative?
Understanding your taste can also come from identifying things that you
don’t like as well. For example “Yes I do like these colored shoe
laces, but pairing them in the same outfit with the bowtie is a bit too
loud for me”. Knowing what you do not like will make it easier to
articulate what you do like.
The last step is to go forth with confidence.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and don’t be afraid to express yourself.
It might feel uncomfortable at first but that’s okay – going out of your
comfort zone is part of the process. With your visuals as guides you
should be able to better assess which colors you gravitate towards
(light or dark, pattered or solid), and what kind of styles you are
interested in (relaxed, bold, trendy, formal), and further, it should
give you examples as to ways you can brings these ideas to life within
yourself. To be inspired and then to activate that inspiration is an
essential step towards taking your style to the next level. Now that
you have your tools, go forth and create.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Style Series Part 3A Knowing the MATERIAL Details
Details – a recurring motif in men’s style and fashion. It’s all about the details. Details
have the ability to transform an ordinary canvas into something
conversation worthy. Whether it’s adding custom details to your clothes
or unique accessories to your outfit the end result is certain; when you
focus on the details, you’ve got what it takes to create a work of
sartorial art.
Making the move from broad strokes to fine details
is a great way to think about your stylistic progression. As mentioned
in our Three Things to Remember
post, a staple of well-fitting, classic pieces should always form the
foundation of your look. If you think of your outfit as a sculpture,
consider a flattering foundation of trouser, shirt, jacket and shoes as
your marble. Once you have a solid foundation, you can
chisel in those fine details with statement pieces that proudly speak to
who you are and to the lifestyle you want to lead.
Your jacket or blazer is a wonderful place to start. We’ll break it down for you below…
First, it’s important to mention that details come
in two forms: a) Material Details b) Structural Details. Today, we’ll
address the former.
Material details can be added or subtracted from
your look. These most notably include accessories like ties and pocket
squares; they are non-permanent additions to any outfit. You can use
material details as a way to create your own expressions – creativity is
your friend when you mix and match your colors and patterns. Further,
using these types of details bolsters the versatility of your foundation
Here’s an example using a classic staple like a Solid Cool Gray two-button jacket. This classic piece is simply the top half of an ever so versatile gray suit,
but also pairs nicely with jeans or chinos. There are a couple of
places where you can begin adding details on the jacket. One of our
favorite places, of course, is the lapel.
Think a cuff link’s only place of residence should be within the French cuff of your shirt? Think again. Maybe your cuff link wants to see and experience more of the world, just like you do. If
you have a functional boutonniere (which we recommend you always have),
you can give one of your allegiant cuff links a better view, up closer
to where you view the world. By using a traditional
accessory in a new way, you’ve injected a wealth of personality into
what may have otherwise been considered a “standard” outfit. You’ve also
given new life to the cuff link itself. Whatever your choice, this simple but bold move is compliment-worthy.
You’ve now definitely defied the rule that a cuff link can and should only be worn in the cuff of your shirt. Feeling a bit more rebellious now or just silly? If it’s the former, let’s keep rolling. If it’s the latter, lay down and take a nap. But what else can we do with the functional boutonniere? How can we be even more creative? We can stick other non-conventional things through it of course. Look
around your room; go through those seldom visited desk or dresser
drawers for any miscellaneous items that could potentially serve as an
accessory. We gave it a shot and here is what we came up with:
What is that in Warren’s boutonniere? It looks like a piece of colorful string. It is. It’s a string-knit bracelet with an unknown and mysterious origin. We stuck it through the boutonniere and looped a simple knot so it would stay put. Stylish win? You decide. The
point is that we’ve figured out a way to take something otherwise
useless and turn it into an element of sartorial authenticity. There’s no reason you can’t do the same.
Fresh flowers are another great addition, especially if you are
attending a more formal event or even a summery outdoor luncheon. Now,
we’re not talking a prom style rose, but rather a bud that is a bit
unexpected, one with some character that you happened to spot on a walk
through the park, or in our case, plucked from a planter in the middle
of Park Avenue. If the flower has a
light fragrance even better, spring is here and the warm weather will be
sure to attract closer interactions. Just slip the stem through your
lapel button hole and fasten using a straight pin and you are all set to
Let’s continue with our seasonal theme. If
you want to take advantage of spring but frolicking through the meadows
of Central Park in search of a real flower isn’t really your “thing”,
another contemporary look we love are knit crotchet flowers.
This once vintage item has been revived with new breath and we can’t
get enough of it. Lapel flowers come in a variety of hues and can be
used to pull together different color complements in an outfit. They are
also great for bringing together color points from various parts of
your outfit. For example, those pink striped socks have bit more meaning
now that you’re wearing a pink knit crotchet flower. By coordinating
these two details you will create a look that flows from head to toe,
creating that elusive “ahhh, well done” component of style. Who knows? You might even receive a round of gentle golf claps from passersby.
While material details are at once affordable,
interchangeable, and fun there are also other ways to add details
directly into the design and construction of your garment. These are
what we consider to be structural details. We’ll tell you more about that in part two, coming soon. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
How to Fold a Suit Jacket When Traveling
Q: I read your “How to Pack for a Weekend in Vegas” post (loved it) and was wondering how you guys get a suit jacket in a carry-on without it coming out like wrinkled tissue paper at the destination. What’s the best way to fold a suit jacket to minimize wrinkles when traveling?
A:here’s the folding method we use when we pack our suit jackets for a trip:
Step 1: While holding the suit jacket upright, pop in one of the shoulders and pull it inside-out as seen below (some choose to pull the entire sleeve inside out as well, but this is not necessary):
Step 2: Tuck in the opposite shoulder into the one previously popped inside-out until the entire length of the lapel is lined up nicely.
Step 3: Fold the suit jacket vertically so that everything is lined up to the width of one shoulder.
Step 4: Fold the jacket horizontally in half so that the top of the shoulders is lined up with the bottom edge of the jacket.
There you have it! The suit jacket is now ready to pack for some jetsetting and should come out looking just as fresh at your destination as it did at your departure! Incidentally, this is also how your suit arrives fresh out of the Black Lapel box.
More Info:
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Five Killer Ideas for 2012
Halloween is always a highly anticipated event and for good reason: lots of parties, collective booziness, comical costumes and well, let’s be honest, tons of interestingly dressed (or under-dressed) ladies. It’s one of those nights where it’s really hard NOT to have a great time. But with Halloween just around the corner, you may be at a loss for ideas on what to wear for that big house (or cramped NYC-apartment) party. But as always, we’ve got you covered this year with five killer head-turning costume ideas that’ll put your suits to good use on a fun-filled night of debauchery.
So let’s cut right to it:

1. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
“I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.”
Brett Easton Ellis must have seen it coming when he created one of the greatest Wall Street antiheroes we’ve ever seen. When it comes to on-screen psychopaths dressed to kill, few match the razor sharp tailoring of Ellis’ Patrick Bateman.
How to recreate the look:
Charcoal Light Blue Pinstripe Suit
Solid Blue Shirt with contrasting white collar option
Red Power Tie or Red Floral Medallian Tie
Clear Raincoat
Fake chainsaw with fake blood
Cassette walkman
Silver business card case with mock “Pierce & Pierce” business cards
Giant cell phone from the 80s
An intense, psychotic seriousness on your face (think back on your best constipation face)
2. James Bond (Dr. No)

“Shocking. Positively Shocking.”
No Halloween costume line-up would be complete without a James Bond get-up. With the new Bond movie, Skyfall, set to debut in November, we were torn between doing a Daniel Craig outfit and a Sean Connery outfit. After asking our readers who they thought was the best bond ever, it was clear who we had to go with.
How to recreate this look:
Shawl Tuxedo Jacket
Ribbed Tuxedo Shirt
Black Bow Tie
White Pocket Square
Grapple Gun, Laser Watch, Cigarette Darts, Rocket Pack or any one of these awesome bond gadgets.
Charm, suave and pure attitude topped off with a British accent
3. Tony Stark (Iron Man)

“Then tell him to suit up… I’m bringing the party to you.”
The trailer for the new Iron Man just dropped a week ago, and it looks good, good enough to warrant a Tony Stark Halloween costume this year. Fortunately, the billionaire playboy who doubles as Iron Man also knows how to rock a loud suit to match his massive ego. Add a touch of Iron Man to the mix in the form of a fake “Arc Reactor” and you’ll have one of the sharpest and smartest costumes around.
How to recreate the look:
Solid Charcoal Blazer
White & Blue Fine Stripe Shirt
Loud Patterened Tie
Home-made Arc Reactor or Arc Reactor iPhone app taped behind shirt
A cocky, quick, self-aggrandizing wit
4. Pee-wee Herman

“There’s a lotta things about me you don’t know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things you couldn’t understand. Things you shouldn’t understand.”
If you know who Pee-wee Herman is and grew up watching him than you know your childhood was a blessed one. But what you might not have known as a kid, was just how dapper this icon looked in a well-fitting suit.
How to recreate the look:
Light Gray Suit
Solid White Shirt
Red Bow Tie
White Loafers or White Sneakers
White Socks
White Pocket Square
A cheesy smile and an overly enthusiastic personality
5. Psy (Gangnam Style)

“Dress Classy. Dance Cheesy.”
He’s not a character from film or television, but he a worldwide pop legend with his youtube video breaking Guinness records as one of the most viewed videos of all time. Not only does the man know how to break it down in what could be a modern day Macarena, but he knows how to dress.
So let’s cut right to it:
1. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
“I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.”
Brett Easton Ellis must have seen it coming when he created one of the greatest Wall Street antiheroes we’ve ever seen. When it comes to on-screen psychopaths dressed to kill, few match the razor sharp tailoring of Ellis’ Patrick Bateman.
How to recreate the look:
Charcoal Light Blue Pinstripe Suit
Solid Blue Shirt with contrasting white collar option
Red Power Tie or Red Floral Medallian Tie
Clear Raincoat
Fake chainsaw with fake blood
Cassette walkman
Silver business card case with mock “Pierce & Pierce” business cards
Giant cell phone from the 80s
An intense, psychotic seriousness on your face (think back on your best constipation face)
2. James Bond (Dr. No)
“Shocking. Positively Shocking.”
No Halloween costume line-up would be complete without a James Bond get-up. With the new Bond movie, Skyfall, set to debut in November, we were torn between doing a Daniel Craig outfit and a Sean Connery outfit. After asking our readers who they thought was the best bond ever, it was clear who we had to go with.
How to recreate this look:
Shawl Tuxedo Jacket
Ribbed Tuxedo Shirt
Black Bow Tie
White Pocket Square
Grapple Gun, Laser Watch, Cigarette Darts, Rocket Pack or any one of these awesome bond gadgets.
Charm, suave and pure attitude topped off with a British accent
3. Tony Stark (Iron Man)
“Then tell him to suit up… I’m bringing the party to you.”
The trailer for the new Iron Man just dropped a week ago, and it looks good, good enough to warrant a Tony Stark Halloween costume this year. Fortunately, the billionaire playboy who doubles as Iron Man also knows how to rock a loud suit to match his massive ego. Add a touch of Iron Man to the mix in the form of a fake “Arc Reactor” and you’ll have one of the sharpest and smartest costumes around.
How to recreate the look:
Solid Charcoal Blazer
White & Blue Fine Stripe Shirt
Loud Patterened Tie
Home-made Arc Reactor or Arc Reactor iPhone app taped behind shirt
A cocky, quick, self-aggrandizing wit
4. Pee-wee Herman
“There’s a lotta things about me you don’t know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things you couldn’t understand. Things you shouldn’t understand.”
If you know who Pee-wee Herman is and grew up watching him than you know your childhood was a blessed one. But what you might not have known as a kid, was just how dapper this icon looked in a well-fitting suit.
How to recreate the look:
Light Gray Suit
Solid White Shirt
Red Bow Tie
White Loafers or White Sneakers
White Socks
White Pocket Square
A cheesy smile and an overly enthusiastic personality
5. Psy (Gangnam Style)
“Dress Classy. Dance Cheesy.”
He’s not a character from film or television, but he a worldwide pop legend with his youtube video breaking Guinness records as one of the most viewed videos of all time. Not only does the man know how to break it down in what could be a modern day Macarena, but he knows how to dress.
Monday, April 15, 2013
What to Wear on a Date
You’re not the average guy. She wouldn’t want to date you if you
were. But thinking outside of the box for a date night to prove your
above average status can be hard work. And we all know that a poorly
planned date can be like standing on the sinking Titanic, except instead
of hearing the orchestra play to the bitter end, it’s just the sound of
silence – and no, not Simon & Garfunkel…just actual awkward
silence. So to save you from the clumsy moments of checking your
smartphone for the umpteenth time in hopes that Will Smith from Hitch
would save you via text (he won’t), we put together a few plug-and-play
date ideas (female approved) for your next night out with that sig other
(or prospect).
And remember, when it comes to planning a date night, a little sprezzatura goes a long way. You want your outfit to be just like the date itself – smooth and charming so that it looks like you tried, but not overly planned out like you tried too hard. With that said, a little thought can go a long way.
Here are five date and adjacent outfit ideas that will set you apart from the rest:

Date Idea #1: “Skip the French fries.”
Women love anything French (we asked around to confirm). Simply mention Paris and most women will have La Vie en Rose playing in their heads. There’s something overtly romantic and sexy about all things French. Parisian chic is way different from chic. Chanel Paris, way different than Chanel SoHo. This is your chance to make her feel sexy, make her think you’re cultured (whether you are or not) and increase your chances of amour. Start out with a nice French dinner and order something using the proper pronunciations – e.g., coq au vin is not pronounced “cock ow vin”, which sounds like the undesirable symptom of an STD. After dinner, watch some independent French flick with subtitles and end your evening with macaroons from somewhere like Ladurée. Make sure to buy her some to take home so she thinks of you and your romantically French evening the next day.
And remember, when it comes to planning a date night, a little sprezzatura goes a long way. You want your outfit to be just like the date itself – smooth and charming so that it looks like you tried, but not overly planned out like you tried too hard. With that said, a little thought can go a long way.
Here are five date and adjacent outfit ideas that will set you apart from the rest:
Date Idea #1: “Skip the French fries.”
Women love anything French (we asked around to confirm). Simply mention Paris and most women will have La Vie en Rose playing in their heads. There’s something overtly romantic and sexy about all things French. Parisian chic is way different from chic. Chanel Paris, way different than Chanel SoHo. This is your chance to make her feel sexy, make her think you’re cultured (whether you are or not) and increase your chances of amour. Start out with a nice French dinner and order something using the proper pronunciations – e.g., coq au vin is not pronounced “cock ow vin”, which sounds like the undesirable symptom of an STD. After dinner, watch some independent French flick with subtitles and end your evening with macaroons from somewhere like Ladurée. Make sure to buy her some to take home so she thinks of you and your romantically French evening the next day.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Pitti What?
Men from around the world are preparing for their bi-annual trip to
Disney World. No, there won’t be any rides (unless it’s on a single
speed bicycle carving through cobblestone streets) or cotton candy for
sale, but you might actually see a character or two. This fairy tale
land is not in the States, but rather the beautiful city of Florence,
Italy. Twice a year, men from around the world flock to the Pitti Uomo
shows. Here, buyers, editors, bloggers, and photographers do their best
to balance work with pleasure. Often called the “world’s most important
platform for men’s clothing and accessory collection,” Pitti is the
ultimate stop for any man interested in the “sprezzatura lifestyle.”
Around a thousand of European’s best designers gather to showcase their
collections for the up-coming season. Although the blogs may beg to
differ, there is actual business being done. Buyers browse through the
finest fabrics hoping to build and curate an eclectic collection for
their stores. But that’s the boring part, right? The real reason that
Pitti has gotten so much press lately is the photographers. Pitti has
become some-what of a street-style fashion show. If you have on a slim
fitting jacket (+4 points), trousers rolled (+1 point), camo print (+3),
and the end all be all: double monks (+1,000 points). What does the
gent with the most points get? Honestly, I don’t know. Oh, and one more
thing: make sure you’re not wearing socks with those shoes my friends.
The funny thing about Pitti Uomo is that the common man and/or woman you pass on the street has absolutely no idea what it actually is. I’m guessing that in part it has something to do with the fact that “Pitti Uomo” is in Italian, and we as Americans don’t really see the need to learn new languages. Secondly, we don’t value fashion as an artistic side to expressing ourselves through the clothes we wear. I’ve noticed more and more lately that we try our best to simply fit in. No, living in NYC, Chicago ,or LA doesn’t count. Fitting in is comfortable for humans. As long as we fit the standard, then there’s an acceptance we feel within society. We try our best to draw as little attention to ourselves as we can. Why is it, though, that we want to live our lives like this? Shouldn’t we strive to be a unique individual? Maybe this is why we enjoy Pitti so much; men are finally expressing themselves on a whole different level.

Pitti is just a grain of sand in the men’s fashion world. Personally, I believe it shouldn’t take an event to dress your best. Yes, you may gain a bit of internet stardom (right up there a Real Word/Road Rules cast member), but why don’t we go against the grain and never again use the line of “dressing up” as an excuse to put our best foot forward. Life’s about expressing yourself in what ever manner you want it to be. Dressing well is a form of art (no matter what people tell you).
Yes, I enjoy seeing what men are doing to think “outside the box” at Pitti in regards to their wardrobes. I give those who aren’t dressing for the spotlight and/or photographers a lot of credit. They’re innovators in the fashion world, pushing the boundaries of normalcy. They aren’t looking to be photographed and blogged about. Their clothes are used to describe who they are. I dig that. I know we tend to dismiss “taboo” subjects, like menswear, but I challenge you to be receptive to what’s happening not only in Florence, but around the world.

A special thanks goes out to all the ladies and gentlemen providing coverage at Pitti. Photographers are capturing a moment in time that can not be duplicated. I appreciate the work of photographers like Scott Schuman, HB Nam, Justin Chung, Tommy Ton, Mordechai Rubinstein, Justin Bridges, Ryan Plett, and Sean Hotchkiss. They are capturing moments that only they see. Hopefully the team at A&H will be able to join you next year. Cheers!
The funny thing about Pitti Uomo is that the common man and/or woman you pass on the street has absolutely no idea what it actually is. I’m guessing that in part it has something to do with the fact that “Pitti Uomo” is in Italian, and we as Americans don’t really see the need to learn new languages. Secondly, we don’t value fashion as an artistic side to expressing ourselves through the clothes we wear. I’ve noticed more and more lately that we try our best to simply fit in. No, living in NYC, Chicago ,or LA doesn’t count. Fitting in is comfortable for humans. As long as we fit the standard, then there’s an acceptance we feel within society. We try our best to draw as little attention to ourselves as we can. Why is it, though, that we want to live our lives like this? Shouldn’t we strive to be a unique individual? Maybe this is why we enjoy Pitti so much; men are finally expressing themselves on a whole different level.
Pitti is just a grain of sand in the men’s fashion world. Personally, I believe it shouldn’t take an event to dress your best. Yes, you may gain a bit of internet stardom (right up there a Real Word/Road Rules cast member), but why don’t we go against the grain and never again use the line of “dressing up” as an excuse to put our best foot forward. Life’s about expressing yourself in what ever manner you want it to be. Dressing well is a form of art (no matter what people tell you).
Yes, I enjoy seeing what men are doing to think “outside the box” at Pitti in regards to their wardrobes. I give those who aren’t dressing for the spotlight and/or photographers a lot of credit. They’re innovators in the fashion world, pushing the boundaries of normalcy. They aren’t looking to be photographed and blogged about. Their clothes are used to describe who they are. I dig that. I know we tend to dismiss “taboo” subjects, like menswear, but I challenge you to be receptive to what’s happening not only in Florence, but around the world.
A special thanks goes out to all the ladies and gentlemen providing coverage at Pitti. Photographers are capturing a moment in time that can not be duplicated. I appreciate the work of photographers like Scott Schuman, HB Nam, Justin Chung, Tommy Ton, Mordechai Rubinstein, Justin Bridges, Ryan Plett, and Sean Hotchkiss. They are capturing moments that only they see. Hopefully the team at A&H will be able to join you next year. Cheers!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Embracing Technology, Nordstrom Suggests Why More Guys Are Dressing Up
For a retailer founded in 1901, Nordstrom has done an admirable job of embracing modern fashion and digital retail while still adhering to some important old-fashioned values. The Men’s Shop’s technology-enhanced Fall 2012 Sourcebook is one example, which picks up on the major theme of this blog — the value of dressing sharp.
While the issue is full of modern takes on professional clothing, page 14, posted below with the permission of Nordstrom, focuses specifically on “Why More Guys are Dressing Up.” If you’re having a hard time reading the small print, it says:
“[Men] want the credibility and authority that comes with wearing the right clothing. They know that when they look more professional, they feel more confident. And that a successful image breeds success.”
Nordstrom still mails sleek paper copies of these things, which is much appreciated, but the catalog is also available online in an interactive format that permits readers to click through to purchase featured items. The company has also utilized technology in other ways, encouraging certain employees to use social media and, in March, launching a “made-to-measure digital selling platform” to incorporate a business-to-business iPad app into the MTM experience alluded to at the bottom of the catalog page below.
More generally, of all of the major retailers, it feels like Nordstrom has figured out how to deliver a well-integrated bricks-and-clicks shopping experience through a combination of policies such as free shipping, flexible returns and uniform pricing across e-commerce, telephone sales and stores. (In Pursuit of Pretty Things has a nice guide to taking full advantage of Nordstrom’s policies.)
At the same time, my experience has been that Nordstrom has tried to retain the kind of old-fashioned values and focus on customer service often lost in the modern world. A variety of experiences with sales reps, customer service, Nordstrom’s credit card division and public affairs team suggests a generally knowledgeable and helpful, even cheerful, workforce. (I first inquired about obtaining permission for the image below via an online chat with a Nordstrom representative, who wrote that it was “so cool!” that I wanted to write on this subject before helpfully connecting me with their headquarters.)
In an economy that tends to prize speaking from scripts and rigid systems over problem-solving and employee initiative, here’s to those who are trying hard to provide seamless, convenient and pleasant retail experiences for the digital age.
Visit here:
While the issue is full of modern takes on professional clothing, page 14, posted below with the permission of Nordstrom, focuses specifically on “Why More Guys are Dressing Up.” If you’re having a hard time reading the small print, it says:
“[Men] want the credibility and authority that comes with wearing the right clothing. They know that when they look more professional, they feel more confident. And that a successful image breeds success.”
Nordstrom still mails sleek paper copies of these things, which is much appreciated, but the catalog is also available online in an interactive format that permits readers to click through to purchase featured items. The company has also utilized technology in other ways, encouraging certain employees to use social media and, in March, launching a “made-to-measure digital selling platform” to incorporate a business-to-business iPad app into the MTM experience alluded to at the bottom of the catalog page below.
More generally, of all of the major retailers, it feels like Nordstrom has figured out how to deliver a well-integrated bricks-and-clicks shopping experience through a combination of policies such as free shipping, flexible returns and uniform pricing across e-commerce, telephone sales and stores. (In Pursuit of Pretty Things has a nice guide to taking full advantage of Nordstrom’s policies.)
At the same time, my experience has been that Nordstrom has tried to retain the kind of old-fashioned values and focus on customer service often lost in the modern world. A variety of experiences with sales reps, customer service, Nordstrom’s credit card division and public affairs team suggests a generally knowledgeable and helpful, even cheerful, workforce. (I first inquired about obtaining permission for the image below via an online chat with a Nordstrom representative, who wrote that it was “so cool!” that I wanted to write on this subject before helpfully connecting me with their headquarters.)
In an economy that tends to prize speaking from scripts and rigid systems over problem-solving and employee initiative, here’s to those who are trying hard to provide seamless, convenient and pleasant retail experiences for the digital age.
Visit here:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
An Introduction To Men’s Clippers
Men who want control over their hair have numerous options to
consider; one possibilitiy that instantly springs to mind is a set of
But what exactly are clippers, who are they for and how am I supposed to use them?
Today on Guy Style Guide we’ll be investigating clippers and what advantages and disadvantages they offer for the ordinary ‘bloke on the street’.

To put the sizes in context, you’d typically want to use a number two rake for a buzz cut. If you have particularly fine hair, a number three rake would be more appropriate.
Secondly, you’ll need to be mindful of cleaning out the hair; hygiene reasons aside, you’ll find that your clippers work much better when they’re not all clogged up.
You may want to invest in a ‘chargeable’ set that you can remove from the power cord; if you travel a lot or are away from home on business for much of the week, you may find the option of a portable unit is a worthwhile proposal.
But what exactly are clippers, who are they for and how am I supposed to use them?
Today on Guy Style Guide we’ll be investigating clippers and what advantages and disadvantages they offer for the ordinary ‘bloke on the street’.
What are clippers?Clippers are used to cut hair on your head; unlike razors or scissors, clippers work in a different fashion. Most clippers have a pair of comb-shaped blades that move back and forth extremely quickly; this rapid movement sheers the hair follicle with amazing speed and agility.
Why use clippers?If you have a very short haircut that you wish to maintain regularly then hair clippers are a worthy investment. Not only can you save a fortune on trims (and all the time and effort required to make a trip to the barber), but you can always clip your own hair, with relative safety and ease, should you need to.
Manual or Electric?Without question, you should always buy a set of electric clippers. They are simply more efficient, easier to use and maintain, and offer more versatility in their use. Manual blazed clippers were born of necessity and have definitely been superseded by their electricity-driven counterparts.
AttachmentsThe attachments, often called rakes or combs, are designed to fit over the head of the clipper. There are various sizes of attachments, each created with a different hair length in mind. The most common attachment sizes are #1, #2 and #3, although throughout the past decade larger sizes have started to see inclusion inside home kits; it’s not uncommon to see attachments #4 through #8 with some modern cutting sets.
To put the sizes in context, you’d typically want to use a number two rake for a buzz cut. If you have particularly fine hair, a number three rake would be more appropriate.
MaintenanceClippers do require some maintenance to keep them working in tip-top fashion. Firstly, they’ll need regular lubrication; remember, the blades are oscillating back and forth at an extremely high rate – this means the build up of friction could lead to an uneven, root-tugging cut if your blades aren’t gliding like they should.
Secondly, you’ll need to be mindful of cleaning out the hair; hygiene reasons aside, you’ll find that your clippers work much better when they’re not all clogged up.
What to buy?The general advice is you get what you pay for. Wherever possible, it’s worth investing a little more for commercial-grade or salon quality sheers than cheap domestic clippers.
You may want to invest in a ‘chargeable’ set that you can remove from the power cord; if you travel a lot or are away from home on business for much of the week, you may find the option of a portable unit is a worthwhile proposal.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
More info here:
Select from the collection of suits,shirts,coats,accessories.
Customize your product.Design details of your product,such as colour ,fit ,lining.monogramming.MEASURE YOURSELF
Get measured online and save it to your profile .we provide a measurement video easily to follow and understand.It only takes 10minutes to get it done.You can do it with the help of your friend.CHECK OUT THE ORDER AND SHIPPING
Confirm the order and check out .We provide free shipping will receive your order in 2weeks(15days)Monday, April 8, 2013
Silver Shining Wedding Suit
Perfect suit as a wedding suit to make you look
the best in your biggest day,wool and silk blended A white tuxedo shirt
is best option to be styled with this suit.Besides custom tailored
craftmanship is just unique to you.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Solid Dark Blue Custom Suit for Men
Solid Dark Blue Custom Suit for Men
As a office worker,this type suit is
indispensable and everyone knows that.However if you want to look
different and superior than others in this type suit,then custom made
for it can do fulfill your desire.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Summer Suit
Summer keywords is to relaxed rise, a loose like from the trash can pick up out of the grey suit obviously can’t do, if you also worried that brilliant color too exaggeration, the colour lattice obviously is a good idea.
Green cotton and linen blended grid suit Agnes b.
Brownish red silk pocket towel Ermenegildo Zegna
2. Shirt
When suit has chosen a very complex design, the shirt is must be simple, the most insurance way white, to match easily won’t go wrong. Stripe T-shirt it or make it disappear it.
White cotton shirt Hugo boss
Wine red velvet bow tie Thomas pink
3. Shorts
Bull-puncher knickers is obviously can’t and suit collocation, it is too casual. A basic cultivate one’s morality light color shorts can fix, please remember that less is more, you are not a clown, don’t get too fancy.
White cotton shorts bally
White blue splicing belt bally
4. Shoes
You really need a pair of shoes, you are not skater boy. If want to go out, light blue or bright red coat of paint frenum shoes really cool.
Brown department belt leather shoes Ermenegildo Zegna
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Suit Buttoning Guide
Finding a suit that sits correctly on your frame is more than simply buying the one that matches your measurements the best. You also need to consider how the fabric will wrap around your body.
Finding the sweet spot is usually a matter of strategically buttoning up your jacket. But what exactly are the rules when it comes to doing up your suit?
Read on to find out the answer…
Single Button SuitA single buttoned suit should always been done up and never allowed to float around open. Fasten up and walk proud, not flapping.
Two Button SuitIf you’re investing in a two-buttoned suit, fasten the top button but leave the bottom one undone. This way your suit will flair more gracefully when moving about.
Three Button SuitIn this instance, the middle button is the only one that should be fastened, the rest should remain untouched.
You shouldn’t really need any help whatsoever with a four or more buttoned suit, because you simply won’t be wearing one; never buy a suit with more than three buttons!
Double Breasted SuitIf you decide to ditch the slim lapels for a double-breasted suit, you should always button up the middle button but never the bottom one. Some guys also like to do up the top button too, but the choice is really up to you.
Waistcoat/VestDo up all the buttons except for the final one at the bottom; this will look better unfastened when you’re sitting down or bending over.
Top Tip: Remember, if you do unbutton your suit jacket for whatever reason (usually when sitting down), you should always re-button from top to bottom to avoid missing a hole.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Solid Dark Blue Shirt
$ USD 69.00
Fabric: 100%cotton
Occasion: business and casual
Occasion: business and casual
Solid dark blue dress shirt,Blue tone shirts are always
popular,somone like light blue,others may fancy dark blue .Choose it as
perasonal reference and blue tone custom shirt is essential for every
Monday, April 1, 2013
Blue Checked Casual Custom Shirt
gingham style reflects a fresh and energetic image.It features a french
cuff which sort of gives out a formal sense ,and this custom tailored
shirt is suitable for both casual and business wear.
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